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50 Feet Tall 30-40 Feet Wide--
The native Northern Catalpa is a medium sized deciduous tree that has an open-rounded to narrow-oval crown. It is noteworthy for its tolerance to heat and drought, but also it is very showy bell-shaped, orchid-like, fragrant white flowers (2") that have purple and yellow inner spotting and appear in late spring (late May to early June). Fall brings long slender green seedpods and yellow fall color. In winter the Catalpa's mature gray-brown bark adds interest with its fissures and ridges.
The fast-growing Northern Catalpa thrives in full sun in rich, loamy, moist, sandy, well-drained soils.
Catalpa speciosa
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Color Attribute: yellow fall color
US Hardiness Zone: 5
Tags: CATALPA SPECIOSA, NORTHERN CATALPA, DECIDUOUS TREE, yellow fall color, Full Sun, CATALPA, CATALPA, yellow fall color Full Sun CATALPA