Hydrangea macrophylla is commonly known as Bigleaf, Mophead or Lacecap Hydrangea. Native to Japan, this deciduous shrub features unmistakable large bloom balls of color from summer through fall. Hardy to Zone 5.
Hydrangea serrata is commonly known as Mountain Hydrangea. The species is native to the mountains of Korea and Japan and is more tolerant to cold. This variety has flattened flowerheads with small leaves and small flower clusters. In acidic soils (low pH) flowers will be blue and with a higher pH, the flowers will be pink. Hardy to Zone 5.
Hydrangea quercifolia is commonly known as Oakleaf Hydrangea. The species is native to the woodland habitats of Southeastern US and is a true- 4-season plant. Flower clusters age in color from creamy white to pink, maturing to bronze in winter. Dark green oak-like foliage turn a vivid red-purple in autumn. Hardy to Zone 5.
Hydrangea paniculata is commonly known as Panicled Hydrangea. Native to Eastern China, Korea and Japan, this species has large pyramidal flower clusters that turn white, pale pink, rose and purple. Very cold hardy and easy to grow. Single stem and multi-stem. Hardy to Zone 3.
Hydrangea arborescens is commonly known as Smooth Hydrangea or Wild Hydrangea. It is a loosely branched deciduous shrub that is native to moist slopes and ravines and typically grows 3-6 ft. Hardy to Zone 3.