Grower Notes:
Malus domestica 'Crimson Crisp' is commonly referred to as Crimson Crisp™ Apple (Originally known as Coop 39). This new disease resistant apple variety is part of the Grandpa's Nature Friendly™ series of apples. It is a medium sized fruit with attractive crimson red color. The fruit matures in October and has a very crisp and firm texture with a delicious, tart and sweet flavor. Great pollinators for Crimson Crisp™ are Honeycrisp™ or Goldrush™ apples.
Crimson Crisp™ Apples thrive in full sun in nutrient-rich, evenly moist, well-draining soils. They appreciate regular irrigation.
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(BBnPOT - formerly known as GRSTART - are B&B put into a container - they are above-ground and available now)