Grower Notes:
Aralia cordata 'Sun King' is commonly referred to as Sun King Golden Japanese Spikenard or simply Aralia Sun King. This Proven Winners® selection is a fast-growing, thornless, herbaceous perennial that features large, bright golden yellow compound leaves that help brighten a shady area. Small white flowers in late summer give way to purple inedible berries in fall. Pollinators love the flowers and birds adore the berries. The showy yellow foliage holds onto its beautiful yellow color through the growing season as long as it gets at least 2-3 hours of sun daily.
Sun King Aralia thrives in partial sun in rich, fertile, humusy, evenly moist, well-drained soils. No pruning is necessary, however, colder climates may have its foliage die back and zombie back next year.
ARALIA COR SUN KING | con 1 | 29 | 0 |
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